Thomas Sowell says it well:
There are many people in South Washington County School District 833 who seem to agree. Just read the comments following the blog posts about East Ridge High School honoring the Black Panthers for the evidence.
One of the parents who complained to the school board finally received a call back from School Board Member Ron Kath. He was the member who said that they were investigating the incidence at the last meeting. Apparently control-freak Superintendent Dr. Jacobus got to Mr. Kath later because now he is agreeing with the Superintendent that the incident was "student-led and misunderstood." Thanks, Mr. Kath, for doing your job and remembering that YOU and the other Board members are Dr. Jacobus's BOSSES, NOT the other way around. Pathetic.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Black Panther Honoring School District Shows Bias Toward Elitist Spanish Immersion Program
There has yet to be any movement on the part of the South Washington County District 833 School Board in regard to the Black Panthers commemoration at East Ridge High School in Woodbury, Minnesota. Apparently, the Board has forgotten that they work for the people of the district and the Superintendent works for them. When the Superintendent decided that no investigation was necessary since he had already discussed the issue with Mr. Harper, principal of ERHS, the Board seemed to have decided it wasn't worth the trouble to investigate it themselves. The people of 833 need to speak up and demand that the Board does its job and follows through on this issue.
However, the School Board members might just be a little too busy to follow through on such a small issue as a district high school honoring a Marxist, violent, revolutionary group like the Black Panthers because currently they are in the midst of doing their best to confuse parents about the upcoming budget cuts that will cause some programs to cease and put major dents in others. Of course, the school board's favorite pet program, Spanish Immersion, isn't facing any kind of cut whatsoever. No, instead, the board is attempting to acquire an EMID school that happens to be located in the district and use it to alleviate crowding in the school that currently houses Spanish Immersion. They plan to do this by forcing neighborhood kids out of their home school, Woodbury Elementary, putting the Spanish Immersion kids into that school and putting the displaced Woodbury Elementary kids into the Crosswinds school. Crosswinds is a $25 MILLION state-of-the-art Science and Arts middle-to-high school right now. So it makes absolutely PERFECT sense to take ELEMENTARY school aged students and put them into a school that is designed for much older children. And then, after the board has done those things, it wants to build an addition to the Woodbury Middle School that will include a special walk-way between Woodbury Middle School and Woodbury Elementary so the poor little Spanish Immersion students can go back and forth between the schools without having to step foot outside into the cold Minnesota winter. Forget that Woodbury Elementary not only has one of the largest and most diverse student populations in, to quote a commentator from a previous blog, "lily white suburbia," but it also houses one of the largest groups of the most vulnerable Special Needs students in the district as well. And let's not mention that in all the coverage, until this week, of the possible acquisition of Crosswinds High School by District 833, not one thing was mentioned about their true intent for the use of the building.
Furthermore, there supposedly were meetings about this issue, but interestingly enough, the only people who seem to have been notified about the meetings were those die-hard elitist Spanish Immersion parents. Yes, ELITIST. These are the same people who believe that their little darlings deserve to kick other students out of their home schools so that they can take over the school. They think nothing of the expense that it costs the district taxpayers to not only transport their little darlings from all over the district to their current school but that the taxpayers should also be footing the bill to pay the special Spanish-speaking teachers to teach their little darling global learners the regular curriculum only in SPANISH. For some reason, this Spanish Immersion program that begin back in 2003 on a 3 year, $800k grant from who-knows-where and educates an extreme minority of district students, takes precedence over all other students in the district. This probably has nothing to do with the fact that there is a school board member who has his own little darling children in Spanish Immersion, right?
God forbid that the District would actually think that being open about their plans for this minority of elite children ousting just regular ol' district kids from their school was a good idea. God forbid that they would welcome the insights and opinions of the very people who PAY THEIR SALARIES and who expect the board to do what is right in the interest of ALL the children in the district rather than kowtowing to an elite few who for some reason, believe that they are ENTITLED to taxpayer money paying for their specialized program. This ISN'T Special Ed nor is it the Gateway Program for Gifted and Talented (another group of which the elitist Spanish Immersion parents have no problem with kicking to the curb if it means their kids get back into Woodbury): two programs that are absolutely necessary and serve a vital purpose to the community.
Back to budget cuts: If a taxpayer or parent wants to inform him or herself about the "Options" on the table for the budget cuts, that person must know the lingo the District is using to describe the process: "Service Level Conversations." That's descriptive, isn't it? A parent looking for budget options would totally get that, right? To add to the confusion, what the district is actually proposing is described in such a convoluted way that it takes a Masters Degree in Central Planning to understand what they're planning to do. All of this isn't planned, though, right? The School Board wouldn't purposely be making the issues as confusing as possible in order to make parents decide deciphering the "plans" isn't worth their time; thereby, allowing the School Board to do whatever they want with the taxpayers' money.
There will be three School Board seats up for election this Fall. It would seem in the Board's best interest to take the time to actually listen to the people of the District ("people" meaning OTHER THAN the ELITIST SPANISH IMMERSION PARENTS) and their concerns about the direction this District is headed, rather than ignoring parents and going about the business of running the schools like mini-dic(k)tators. It is already being felt around the District that Dr. Jacobus is a control-freak who is happy to snub the advice of the School Board. He seems to be a man in need of an education on for whom he works and that unlike some tenured teachers, he can be fired.
(Updated 2/27/13, 5:58pm)
However, the School Board members might just be a little too busy to follow through on such a small issue as a district high school honoring a Marxist, violent, revolutionary group like the Black Panthers because currently they are in the midst of doing their best to confuse parents about the upcoming budget cuts that will cause some programs to cease and put major dents in others. Of course, the school board's favorite pet program, Spanish Immersion, isn't facing any kind of cut whatsoever. No, instead, the board is attempting to acquire an EMID school that happens to be located in the district and use it to alleviate crowding in the school that currently houses Spanish Immersion. They plan to do this by forcing neighborhood kids out of their home school, Woodbury Elementary, putting the Spanish Immersion kids into that school and putting the displaced Woodbury Elementary kids into the Crosswinds school. Crosswinds is a $25 MILLION state-of-the-art Science and Arts middle-to-high school right now. So it makes absolutely PERFECT sense to take ELEMENTARY school aged students and put them into a school that is designed for much older children. And then, after the board has done those things, it wants to build an addition to the Woodbury Middle School that will include a special walk-way between Woodbury Middle School and Woodbury Elementary so the poor little Spanish Immersion students can go back and forth between the schools without having to step foot outside into the cold Minnesota winter. Forget that Woodbury Elementary not only has one of the largest and most diverse student populations in, to quote a commentator from a previous blog, "lily white suburbia," but it also houses one of the largest groups of the most vulnerable Special Needs students in the district as well. And let's not mention that in all the coverage, until this week, of the possible acquisition of Crosswinds High School by District 833, not one thing was mentioned about their true intent for the use of the building.
Furthermore, there supposedly were meetings about this issue, but interestingly enough, the only people who seem to have been notified about the meetings were those die-hard elitist Spanish Immersion parents. Yes, ELITIST. These are the same people who believe that their little darlings deserve to kick other students out of their home schools so that they can take over the school. They think nothing of the expense that it costs the district taxpayers to not only transport their little darlings from all over the district to their current school but that the taxpayers should also be footing the bill to pay the special Spanish-speaking teachers to teach their little darling global learners the regular curriculum only in SPANISH. For some reason, this Spanish Immersion program that begin back in 2003 on a 3 year, $800k grant from who-knows-where and educates an extreme minority of district students, takes precedence over all other students in the district. This probably has nothing to do with the fact that there is a school board member who has his own little darling children in Spanish Immersion, right?
God forbid that the District would actually think that being open about their plans for this minority of elite children ousting just regular ol' district kids from their school was a good idea. God forbid that they would welcome the insights and opinions of the very people who PAY THEIR SALARIES and who expect the board to do what is right in the interest of ALL the children in the district rather than kowtowing to an elite few who for some reason, believe that they are ENTITLED to taxpayer money paying for their specialized program. This ISN'T Special Ed nor is it the Gateway Program for Gifted and Talented (another group of which the elitist Spanish Immersion parents have no problem with kicking to the curb if it means their kids get back into Woodbury): two programs that are absolutely necessary and serve a vital purpose to the community.
Back to budget cuts: If a taxpayer or parent wants to inform him or herself about the "Options" on the table for the budget cuts, that person must know the lingo the District is using to describe the process: "Service Level Conversations." That's descriptive, isn't it? A parent looking for budget options would totally get that, right? To add to the confusion, what the district is actually proposing is described in such a convoluted way that it takes a Masters Degree in Central Planning to understand what they're planning to do. All of this isn't planned, though, right? The School Board wouldn't purposely be making the issues as confusing as possible in order to make parents decide deciphering the "plans" isn't worth their time; thereby, allowing the School Board to do whatever they want with the taxpayers' money.
There will be three School Board seats up for election this Fall. It would seem in the Board's best interest to take the time to actually listen to the people of the District ("people" meaning OTHER THAN the ELITIST SPANISH IMMERSION PARENTS) and their concerns about the direction this District is headed, rather than ignoring parents and going about the business of running the schools like mini-dic(k)tators. It is already being felt around the District that Dr. Jacobus is a control-freak who is happy to snub the advice of the School Board. He seems to be a man in need of an education on for whom he works and that unlike some tenured teachers, he can be fired.
(Updated 2/27/13, 5:58pm)
Friday, February 22, 2013
Suburban School Superintendent Brushes Parents' Concerns re The Black Panthers Aside
UPDATE: The South Washington County School District 833 has removed all information regarding last night's meeting sometime this morning. Please contact the School District at 651-458-6300 for more information. (Updated 10:36a.m. 2/22/2013)
Another Update: According to the District's Communication director, there was an "issue" with the video, so they took it off the website while they update it. Look for it after 2pm today. (Updated 11:28am)
The video is back up from the School Board now. (updated 2/22/2013 5:50)
As has been reported over the last week on this blog, East Ridge High School in Woodbury, Minnesota held a school-wide presentation honoring the violent, militantly socialist group, The Black Panthers on February 14, 2013. Parents were appalled by the idea that a group so unabashedly Marxist and founded by convicted felons, Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton, would be "commemorated" by the school for Black History Month. The story has been reported on by several news outlets from local TV, radio, newspapers to national online and radio (2/14/13) media outlets.
Another Update: According to the District's Communication director, there was an "issue" with the video, so they took it off the website while they update it. Look for it after 2pm today. (Updated 11:28am)
The video is back up from the School Board now. (updated 2/22/2013 5:50)
As has been reported over the last week on this blog, East Ridge High School in Woodbury, Minnesota held a school-wide presentation honoring the violent, militantly socialist group, The Black Panthers on February 14, 2013. Parents were appalled by the idea that a group so unabashedly Marxist and founded by convicted felons, Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton, would be "commemorated" by the school for Black History Month. The story has been reported on by several news outlets from local TV, radio, newspapers to national online and radio (2/14/13) media outlets.
Last night, at the South Washington County District 833 School Board meeting (video Item 2.0), the concerned parents were allowed to voice their objections to the presentation. Two parents, Steve Ellenwood and Lelani Holstad, spoke about the nature of the Black Panther Party and why it was objectionable to have the group honored in the way it was on Feb. 14: Mr. Ellenwood said it was "paramount to indoctrination" and Ms. Holstad ripped the Board for allowing the school to go against its own bullying policies by endorsing the violent Black Panthers. She also discussed the more recent incidents involving the New Black Panther Party, including the voter intimidation in the last two elections, the "hit" the group put on Zimmerman (in the Trayvon Martin case), and more. Both presentations were well done, heart felt and seemed to have swayed at least one Board Member because following the parent presentations, Board Member Ron Kath told the audience that the Board and the Superintendent were aware of the issue and that they would be investigating it. Then, just prior to the next agenda item, Superintendent Keith Jacobus broke in saying that he had spoken to Principal Harper about the issue and that the issue was closed (among other things, including justifying the commemoration of The Black Panthers by students). Effectively putting the blame not on the teacher, Ms. Tishanna Brown nor on Mr. Harper, but on the students for the presentation.
Did not the SWC 833 hire Dr. Jacobus? Are they not his boss? Do Jacobus and Harper believe that their lame excuses will just make this issue go away? East Ridge High School has many issues, this is just one of them. A perusal of tweets from ERHS kids (some of whom definitely seem to have been involved with the commemoration of the Black Panthers), shows that not only did Mr. Harper directly "protect" Ms. Brown and the involved students but also that there is a disconnect between the students (mostly minority) and the school community: it is obvious that all the emphasis on diversity has done nothing more than cause the children to see themselves as a separate group from the rest of the ERHS student body (language warning):
The School Board has been given the Twitter information as well as the much of the information about the Black Panther Party that has been presented on this blog over the past week and the lesson plans from Ms. Brown's ClassJump website (see link above). I would hope that the information would pique their interest and cause them to step up and behave like the so-called District leaders they are supposed to be before they allow the new Superintendent to just sweep this issue under the rug.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
There seems to be confusion about why parents are upset about the fact that East Ridge High School chose to honor the Black Panther Party during a Black History Month presentation on February 14, 2013. Accusations of elitist racism are being bandied about like shuttlecocks on the comments sections of previous blogs. To quote our current President: LET ME BE CLEAR, this has NOTHING to do with racism. As was stated in a previous blog, the objections stem from the nature of the group that was the Black Panthers in that it was a fundamentally MARXIST, VIOLENT, ANTI-CAPITALIST, ANTI-AMERICAN organization, that, while important to American history (and not just "Black American History"), is not a group that should be COMMEMORATED - definition: "Honored" - by a school regardless of what month it is. Furthermore, there are MANY other examples of great Americans who would have been better choices to honor, had the teacher and principal done their job and tried to find better examples.
If anyone is confused about whether or not the Black Panther Party actually was a MARXIST organization, here is the Party's Platform from 1968 as it was published in The Black Panther. 23 Nov. 1967:3.:
We believe that Black and oppressed people will not be free until we are able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves, by fully controlling all the institutions which exist in our communities.
We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every person employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the American businessmen will not give full employment, then the technology and means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.
We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules were promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of our fifty million Black people. Therefore, we feel this is a modest demand that we make.
We believe that if the landlords will not give decent housing to our Black and oppressed communities, then housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that the people in our communities, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for the people.
We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of the self. If you do not have knowledge of yourself and your position in the society and in the world, then you will have little chance to know anything else.
We believe that the government must provide, free of charge, for the people, health facilities which will not only treat our illnesses, most of which have come about as a result of our oppression, but which will also develop preventive medical programs to guarantee our future survival. We believe that mass health education and research programs must be developed to give all Black and oppressed people access to advanced scientific and medical information, so we may provide our selves with proper medical attention and care.
We believe that the racist and fascist government of the United States uses its domestic enforcement agencies to carry out its program of oppression against black people, other people of color and poor people inside the united States. We believe it is our right, therefore, to defend ourselves against such armed forces and that all Black and oppressed people should be armed for self defense of our homes and communities against these fascist police forces.
We believe that the various conflicts which exist around the world stem directly from the aggressive desire of the United States ruling circle and government to force its domination upon the oppressed people of the world. We believe that if the United States government or its lackeys do not cease these aggressive wars it is the right of the people to defend themselves by any means necessary against their aggressors.
We believe that the many Black and poor oppressed people now held in United States prisons and jails have not received fair and impartial trials under a racist and fascist judicial system and should be free from incarceration. We believe in the ultimate elimination of all wretched, inhuman penal institutions, because the masses of men and women imprisoned inside the United States or by the United States military are the victims of oppressive conditions which are the real cause of their imprisonment. We believe that when persons are brought to trial they must be guaranteed, by the United States, juries of their peers, attorneys of their choice and freedom from imprisonment while awaiting trial.
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are most disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
What if?
I do not believe in censorship. I believe so strongly in the First Amendment that I refuse to censor even the most inane and/or offensive comments people post on my FaceBook page, which sometimes causes irritation among my friends on FB, but I tell them this: "If I believe that it is acceptable to censor you or anyone else, what is stopping you from censoring me? To condone, advocate or passively stand by while others' rights are taken away is foolish - what is to stop those people from trying to take away my rights if I allow them to take away others' rights?" If something is offensive, don't read it, turn the channel, turn off the media, switch to a different website. But don't sit there and complain that someone is offending your sensibilities because you were too dumb to put the paper down or turn off the TV/radio.
However, there are times when caution needs to be taken when it comes to Freedom of Speech, as in the case of the teacher and principal (who claims to not have known what was planned for announcements that day) of East Ridge High School when they decided to broadcast a presentation commemorating the Black Panther Party to the entire school. It was not Freedom of Speech, it was Propaganda and Indoctrination. The students were captive listeners in that situation. The students in school that morning could not avoid hearing the announcements. They could avoid actively listening to the announcements, but could not leave, turn off the broadcast, etc. during the announcements.
So, last night as I was talking to my husband about the controversy, I re-read the poem in question, "A Black Child's Pledge," and started to think about the ways in which this poem could be taught in a classroom. As I said in my previous post, the piece on its own and viewed in the context in which it was written, is an interesting piece and in all truthfulness, is an important one as it was written during one of the most tumultuous times in recent American history. It could be taught in literature and history classes and serve the purpose of educating students about 1960's lit and the Civil Rights Movement. Unfortunately, the way it was presented to the students on the morning of February 14th, it was used as a method of commemorating a group of militant, socialist thugs: The Black Panthers.
I read the poem again and was struck by the language within it: Instead of pledging allegiance to America, the child is pledging allegiance only to the black members of America. Instead of pledging to do no harm and to protect other Americans, the child is pledging only to do no harm and protect other black Americans. The theme of the poem is one of unity within the black community and war with anyone who does not belong to that community. Is this the inclusive, multicultural viewpoint that has been pushed by educators and Progressive leaders for many years? Or is this more race war tactics of the type that has been perpetuated by our President and other leaders? And what about the references to "liberation"? I understand the idea of freedom from the oppressive Jim Crow/segregation laws of the time - but to take the idea of "liberation" forward to the 21st Century makes less sense to me. When Barack Obama is in the White House, Condi Rice was Secretary of State and Oprah Winfrey is one of the richest women alive, the idea liberation is foreign when viewed through the lenses of race. Furthermore, how were the children who are not black supposed to take the meaning of the poem? Were they supposed to raise their fists in a Black Power salute or hang their heads in shame for being seen as oppressors of others? Or were they to just sit there silently listening as a poem affirming black unity was read and linked to a militant, violent group of people who believed fully in the principles being pledged, including but not limited to, killing non-black American citizens if they felt that those non-black people were infringing on their right of liberation?
What if it were any race or creed or religion other than Black and tied with a militant anti-any-other-race group being commemorated, even if that group played some kind of significant role in history? What if, instead of a "Black Child's Pledge" the poem was titled "A White Child's Pledge"? What if the poem started with: "I pledge allegiance to my White People....I will learn all that I can in order to give my best to my People in their struggle for liberation....make me less capable of protecting myself, my family and my White brothers and sisters....I will train myself to never hurt or allow others to harm my White brothers and sisters...These principles I pledge to practice daily and to teach them to others in order to unite my People." And, what if following that poem, there was a presentation commemorating the Ku Klux Klan as "The People of the Day"? Like the Black Panther Party, the KKK is part of American History. They were (are) a militant group that began in the post-Civil War (1866) era of Reconstruction, a terroristic organization used to intimidate black Americans and break up Republican meetings (Frances Rice). (The irony of a "White Child's Pledge" being used in conjunction with the KKK is the seldom-mentioned fact that the early KKK lynched at least 1,000 white Republicans who were assisting the newly freed slaves vote, own property and find their way in their newly acquired freedom from slavery.) What if instead of a "Black Child's Pledge" it was a "You-Enter-the-Race/Ethnicity/etc. Child's Pledge" being read in conjunction with a commemoration of a militant group associated with that Race/Ethnicity? What if it was a "Muslim Child's Pledge" with a commemorative speech about Al Qaeda following the poem? Would parents be appalled to hear that while the Nazi Youth Pledge was read to commemorate Hitler during "German History Month" that some children raised their hands in a straight-armed Nazi Salute? Would there be an outcry of indignation then? Would people go to the school and demand an apology? Would the parents be calling the principle and teacher and demanding to know why such racist drivel was being inflicted upon their children? Would people stand idly by and be placated as the principle said "I didn't vet the information being presented...I'll try to do better from now has to do with history; we feel that the children need to know about important people in history..." Or would those parents pitch fits, threaten to sue, and harass the school staff until SOMETHING WAS DONE ABOUT IT?
So, if the previous examples are offensive and feel wrong to people, why is a pass being given to the principal and teachers of East Ridge High School? Or is it true that only black Americans have suffered so much that they are the only ones allowed to salute - pumping their fists in the air in solidarity with the poem as it's read and continuing as militaristic, socialist, anti-white, anti-cop, anti-Capitalism groups are commemorated during the month set aside to focus solely on Black American history? Or have we all become so afraid, so PC that either we fear reprisals against our kids or ourselves if we speak out or we believe that we can't speak out in case we OFFEND someone? Or, have we all been so completely brainwashed that we AGREE with the poem and the militant Black Panthers - as white Americans, we, by virtue of our heritage and skin color, were the ones inflicting the wrongs on every other race in history even though most of us weren't even born while the atrocities were being carried out nor would we dream of ever treating ANYONE the way minority groups have been treated throughout the history of our country? Or have we forgotten MLK's dream of a land where People are judged by the content of their characters, not by the color of their skin?
If any of the previous statements is the case, there's no wonder there were people rallying for Christopher Dorner and his sick manifesto in California this weekend without reprisal or condemnation from anyone in the MSM or left-side of the aisle. And there's no wonder why the principle of East Ridge High School and his Sociology teacher, Ms. Tishanna Brown, continue to believe that what happened on Valentine's Day was just not that big of a deal.
However, there are times when caution needs to be taken when it comes to Freedom of Speech, as in the case of the teacher and principal (who claims to not have known what was planned for announcements that day) of East Ridge High School when they decided to broadcast a presentation commemorating the Black Panther Party to the entire school. It was not Freedom of Speech, it was Propaganda and Indoctrination. The students were captive listeners in that situation. The students in school that morning could not avoid hearing the announcements. They could avoid actively listening to the announcements, but could not leave, turn off the broadcast, etc. during the announcements.
So, last night as I was talking to my husband about the controversy, I re-read the poem in question, "A Black Child's Pledge," and started to think about the ways in which this poem could be taught in a classroom. As I said in my previous post, the piece on its own and viewed in the context in which it was written, is an interesting piece and in all truthfulness, is an important one as it was written during one of the most tumultuous times in recent American history. It could be taught in literature and history classes and serve the purpose of educating students about 1960's lit and the Civil Rights Movement. Unfortunately, the way it was presented to the students on the morning of February 14th, it was used as a method of commemorating a group of militant, socialist thugs: The Black Panthers.
I read the poem again and was struck by the language within it: Instead of pledging allegiance to America, the child is pledging allegiance only to the black members of America. Instead of pledging to do no harm and to protect other Americans, the child is pledging only to do no harm and protect other black Americans. The theme of the poem is one of unity within the black community and war with anyone who does not belong to that community. Is this the inclusive, multicultural viewpoint that has been pushed by educators and Progressive leaders for many years? Or is this more race war tactics of the type that has been perpetuated by our President and other leaders? And what about the references to "liberation"? I understand the idea of freedom from the oppressive Jim Crow/segregation laws of the time - but to take the idea of "liberation" forward to the 21st Century makes less sense to me. When Barack Obama is in the White House, Condi Rice was Secretary of State and Oprah Winfrey is one of the richest women alive, the idea liberation is foreign when viewed through the lenses of race. Furthermore, how were the children who are not black supposed to take the meaning of the poem? Were they supposed to raise their fists in a Black Power salute or hang their heads in shame for being seen as oppressors of others? Or were they to just sit there silently listening as a poem affirming black unity was read and linked to a militant, violent group of people who believed fully in the principles being pledged, including but not limited to, killing non-black American citizens if they felt that those non-black people were infringing on their right of liberation?
What if it were any race or creed or religion other than Black and tied with a militant anti-any-other-race group being commemorated, even if that group played some kind of significant role in history? What if, instead of a "Black Child's Pledge" the poem was titled "A White Child's Pledge"? What if the poem started with: "I pledge allegiance to my White People....I will learn all that I can in order to give my best to my People in their struggle for liberation....make me less capable of protecting myself, my family and my White brothers and sisters....I will train myself to never hurt or allow others to harm my White brothers and sisters...These principles I pledge to practice daily and to teach them to others in order to unite my People." And, what if following that poem, there was a presentation commemorating the Ku Klux Klan as "The People of the Day"? Like the Black Panther Party, the KKK is part of American History. They were (are) a militant group that began in the post-Civil War (1866) era of Reconstruction, a terroristic organization used to intimidate black Americans and break up Republican meetings (Frances Rice). (The irony of a "White Child's Pledge" being used in conjunction with the KKK is the seldom-mentioned fact that the early KKK lynched at least 1,000 white Republicans who were assisting the newly freed slaves vote, own property and find their way in their newly acquired freedom from slavery.) What if instead of a "Black Child's Pledge" it was a "You-Enter-the-Race/Ethnicity/etc. Child's Pledge" being read in conjunction with a commemoration of a militant group associated with that Race/Ethnicity? What if it was a "Muslim Child's Pledge" with a commemorative speech about Al Qaeda following the poem? Would parents be appalled to hear that while the Nazi Youth Pledge was read to commemorate Hitler during "German History Month" that some children raised their hands in a straight-armed Nazi Salute? Would there be an outcry of indignation then? Would people go to the school and demand an apology? Would the parents be calling the principle and teacher and demanding to know why such racist drivel was being inflicted upon their children? Would people stand idly by and be placated as the principle said "I didn't vet the information being presented...I'll try to do better from now has to do with history; we feel that the children need to know about important people in history..." Or would those parents pitch fits, threaten to sue, and harass the school staff until SOMETHING WAS DONE ABOUT IT?
So, if the previous examples are offensive and feel wrong to people, why is a pass being given to the principal and teachers of East Ridge High School? Or is it true that only black Americans have suffered so much that they are the only ones allowed to salute - pumping their fists in the air in solidarity with the poem as it's read and continuing as militaristic, socialist, anti-white, anti-cop, anti-Capitalism groups are commemorated during the month set aside to focus solely on Black American history? Or have we all become so afraid, so PC that either we fear reprisals against our kids or ourselves if we speak out or we believe that we can't speak out in case we OFFEND someone? Or, have we all been so completely brainwashed that we AGREE with the poem and the militant Black Panthers - as white Americans, we, by virtue of our heritage and skin color, were the ones inflicting the wrongs on every other race in history even though most of us weren't even born while the atrocities were being carried out nor would we dream of ever treating ANYONE the way minority groups have been treated throughout the history of our country? Or have we forgotten MLK's dream of a land where People are judged by the content of their characters, not by the color of their skin?
If any of the previous statements is the case, there's no wonder there were people rallying for Christopher Dorner and his sick manifesto in California this weekend without reprisal or condemnation from anyone in the MSM or left-side of the aisle. And there's no wonder why the principle of East Ridge High School and his Sociology teacher, Ms. Tishanna Brown, continue to believe that what happened on Valentine's Day was just not that big of a deal.
Friday, February 15, 2013
East Ridge High School & The Black Panthers
KSTP News interviewed Ms. Kelly Fenton, concerned East Ridge parent, about the controversy surrounding the use of announcement-time to promote the Black Panthers under the guise of "Black History Month." They also interviewed Principal Aaron Harper.
KSTP presented the issue as unskewed as can be expected by a MSM outlet. However, they focused primarily on the fact that the poem, "A Black Child's Pledge," had been read during the announcement, with a little attention paid to the fact that the poem was from the Black Panthers. What readers and KSTP viewers need to understand is not the fact that the poem was read, it is the context in which it was read to "commemorate" the Black Panthers. Therein lies the difference: the poem as a literary device is innocuous, the poem being read in conjunction with a description of the Black Panthers as just a group of "militant marxists who are ok because they also fed children and helped with community organizing" is offensive.
Aaron Harper claims that he hadn't "vetted" the content that was to be read during Thursday morning's announcements and that it was "student-led." He assured KSTP that he would be better about paying attention to the information dispersed over the PA system of the school. The fact that Mr. Harper is shielding Tishanna Brown and claiming that he should have been more aware of what was being read leads one to wonder what else Tishanna Brown has been up to in her classroom - what part of her interests and biases are filtering through to her students, and why didn't Mr. Harper know what was being read to his entire school that morning? Furthermore, if it wasn't such a big deal, why is he assuring parents that he will "keep a closer eye" on things from now on?
Please stay tuned for more updates as this story continues.
KSTP presented the issue as unskewed as can be expected by a MSM outlet. However, they focused primarily on the fact that the poem, "A Black Child's Pledge," had been read during the announcement, with a little attention paid to the fact that the poem was from the Black Panthers. What readers and KSTP viewers need to understand is not the fact that the poem was read, it is the context in which it was read to "commemorate" the Black Panthers. Therein lies the difference: the poem as a literary device is innocuous, the poem being read in conjunction with a description of the Black Panthers as just a group of "militant marxists who are ok because they also fed children and helped with community organizing" is offensive.
Aaron Harper claims that he hadn't "vetted" the content that was to be read during Thursday morning's announcements and that it was "student-led." He assured KSTP that he would be better about paying attention to the information dispersed over the PA system of the school. The fact that Mr. Harper is shielding Tishanna Brown and claiming that he should have been more aware of what was being read leads one to wonder what else Tishanna Brown has been up to in her classroom - what part of her interests and biases are filtering through to her students, and why didn't Mr. Harper know what was being read to his entire school that morning? Furthermore, if it wasn't such a big deal, why is he assuring parents that he will "keep a closer eye" on things from now on?
Please stay tuned for more updates as this story continues.
Suburban High School Honors Black Panther Party
This story has been picked up by KSTP Channel 5 (Twin Cities); they will be broadcasting an interview with one of the concerned parents tonight on their 6pm program.
East Ridge High School in Woodbury, Minnesota decided to use Valentine's Day as a day to commemorate the Black Panther Party in a school-wide presentation. Apparently, the day set aside for all things love is the perfect day on which to roll out information about one of the most violent and militant groups in the USA's recent history.
According to the transcript obtained by a concerned parent (after the principal refused to honor her request for a written copy of the announcement that her son had heard that morning. A few hours later a district representative contacted her and gave her the transcript) the presentation, led by Social Studies teacher, Tishanna Brown, began with a reading of A Black Child's Pledge, by Shirley Williams, which was originally published in The Black Panther Newsletter on October 28, 1968:
According to an East Ridge parent, the principal told her that this presentation was one of many the school was doing for Black History Month and meant to draw attention to the historical significance of the Panther's movement. So, basically, folks, there is no reason to freak out because this was just an educational exercise. There were no other groups that are historically significant in Black American History that should be given the same level of honor and significance. There aren't any other positive historical Black Americans from which to choose, nope, we must choose the ones that somehow manage to mix "revolutionary socialism" and "militant self-defense" with "organizing and community based programs such as free lunch and medical programs..." (Which, by the way, how did the teacher say that sentence with a straight face?)
It is no wonder that with the glorification of such groups as the Black Panthers that there are people who are excusing and adoring another cop-killer this week, Christopher Dorner. It is no wonder that our kids have no real concept of American history when they are fed sound-bytes like the one above.
It is offensive to me and should be to any American that out of the many people and groups who could be honored for Black History month that East Ridge would choose The Black Panther Party as one that they chose to honor. I wonder if I were to go to the school, enter American History classes and ask random students who Hiram Revels was, if they'd know he was the first Black American elected to the Senate in 1870? Or what about CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) a group of which MLK was part, which focused on non-violent actions to gain racial equality? Google or Bing "Black Americans in History" and hundreds of links pop up - even a lazy teacher could do that and come up with better examples of Black Americans in History than the Black Panthers. Either the East Ridge Principal, Aaron Harper and his cohort Tishanna Brown are ignorant of the great tapestry of Black American History and too lazy to research examples of people worthy of honoring or they have an agenda that they are following to further some perverse purpose of encouraging children to believe that "militant self defense" against the US Government and police is ok as long as one is combining that with "free lunch and medical programs."
Another point: say a student's interest in the Black Panther Party was piqued during this presentation, so s/he goes online to check out the group. What will that student find? The following is an example of what a brief search would give that student:
But, never mind that, parents, there is no agenda here. This was an educational opportunity used to enlighten and educate the students on Black American History.
East Ridge High School in Woodbury, Minnesota decided to use Valentine's Day as a day to commemorate the Black Panther Party in a school-wide presentation. Apparently, the day set aside for all things love is the perfect day on which to roll out information about one of the most violent and militant groups in the USA's recent history.
According to the transcript obtained by a concerned parent (after the principal refused to honor her request for a written copy of the announcement that her son had heard that morning. A few hours later a district representative contacted her and gave her the transcript) the presentation, led by Social Studies teacher, Tishanna Brown, began with a reading of A Black Child's Pledge, by Shirley Williams, which was originally published in The Black Panther Newsletter on October 28, 1968:
"Good Morning, East Ridge! I'm _____________. 'Power to the People' and 'Black is Beautiful' are two of the slogans associated with todays "Black History Month" person, or should I say, "People" of the day. Today we commemorate Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, co-Founders of The Black Panther Party for Self Defense.
In October of 1966, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. In the most part to address the rampant police brutality faced by many black communities around the country. The Panthers practiced militant self-defense of minority communities against the U.S. Government, and fought to establish revolutionary socialism through mass organizing and community based programs such as free lunch and medical programs. The party, consisting mostly of men and women under the age of 25, was one of the first organizations in U.S. history to militantly struggle for ethnic minority and working class emancipation" (SIC)
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Page 2 of Original Transcript; note the change in font and lack of punctuation; evidence of the teacher "cutting and pasting" info from |
It is no wonder that with the glorification of such groups as the Black Panthers that there are people who are excusing and adoring another cop-killer this week, Christopher Dorner. It is no wonder that our kids have no real concept of American history when they are fed sound-bytes like the one above.
It is offensive to me and should be to any American that out of the many people and groups who could be honored for Black History month that East Ridge would choose The Black Panther Party as one that they chose to honor. I wonder if I were to go to the school, enter American History classes and ask random students who Hiram Revels was, if they'd know he was the first Black American elected to the Senate in 1870? Or what about CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) a group of which MLK was part, which focused on non-violent actions to gain racial equality? Google or Bing "Black Americans in History" and hundreds of links pop up - even a lazy teacher could do that and come up with better examples of Black Americans in History than the Black Panthers. Either the East Ridge Principal, Aaron Harper and his cohort Tishanna Brown are ignorant of the great tapestry of Black American History and too lazy to research examples of people worthy of honoring or they have an agenda that they are following to further some perverse purpose of encouraging children to believe that "militant self defense" against the US Government and police is ok as long as one is combining that with "free lunch and medical programs."
Another point: say a student's interest in the Black Panther Party was piqued during this presentation, so s/he goes online to check out the group. What will that student find? The following is an example of what a brief search would give that student:
In October of 1966, in Oakland California, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. The Panthers practiced militant self-defense of minority communities against the U.S. government, and fought to establish revolutionary socialism through mass organizing and community based programs. The party was one of the first organizations in U.S. history to militantly struggle for ethnic minority and working class emancipation — a party whose agenda was the revolutionary establishment of real economic, social, and political equality across gender and color lines.Oh, but wait, isn't that the EXACT language used by the teacher in the presentation? Why, yes, it is. Funny, but isn't that called PLAGIARISM? Which website did Ms. Brown steal this from? That's right, It looks like Ms. Brown cleaned it up and made it a bit nicer by adding "like free lunch and medical programs," but otherwise, she seems to have been at a loss as how to write an original statement about the Black Panthers herself.
But, never mind that, parents, there is no agenda here. This was an educational opportunity used to enlighten and educate the students on Black American History.
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